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Jessi Wiki

"Put it on ya" is a song recorded by Jessi and features BM of KARD and Nafla. It is the third track of the second mini album NUNA.


“Put it on ya (Feat. BM of KARD, nafla)”는 뉴 트렌디 파티 힙합(New trendy party hiphop) 장르로, 이 노래만을 위해 특별히 만든 무그 베이스 리프(Moog bass riff)와 신디사이저 플럭(Synthesizer Pluck) 사운드로 이뤄진 곡이다. 그룹 KARD의 멤버 BM과 래퍼 nafla가 피처링에 참여해 제시의 파워풀한 랩과 조화를 이룬다. BM은 특유의 매력적인 중저음의 랩으로 웅장한 분위기를 연출하고, 귀에 쏙쏙 들어오는 nafla의 세련된 랩이 적재적소에 배치된 타악기들과 잘 어우러져 파티 분위기에 흥을 더한다.

“Put it on ya (Feat. BM of KARD, nafla)” is a new trendy party hiphop genre, featuring Moog bass riff and Synthesizer Pluck made specifically for this song. It is a song with sound. BM of the group KARD and rapper nafla participated in the featuring, harmonizing with Jessie's powerful rap. BM creates a majestic atmosphere with its unique, attractive low-pitched rap, and nafla's sophisticated rap that catches your ears perfectly harmonizes with percussion instruments placed in the right place to add excitement to the party atmosphere.






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Jessi What Type of X logo
Mini albums (EPs)
Singles albums
Digital singles The RebirthI Want To Be MeSsenunniRaise Your HeelsExcessive LoveDon't Make Me CryDownA MatchWho Dat BDripDigital Lover (Jessi ver.)What Type of XZOOMGum
Reality shows Somehow Family